Code Enforcement and Development Department

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Code Enforcement and Development Department

The Code Enforcement and Development Department is responsible for a range of services including permitting, inspections, and compliance with housing and non-residential building codes. It enforces the Town of Forest City Unified Development Ordinances, conducts plat and zoning ordinance reviews, oversees plan reviews, and serves as a liaison for the Town of Forest City's Board of Planning and Adjustment as well as the Historic Preservation Commission.

Phone: 828.248.5239 Fax: 828.245.6143

128 N. Powell Street, Post Office Box 728

Forest City, North Carolina 28043

Annual Inspection Fee Reports

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide customer service and administer development codes to improve the quality of life for the people living and working within the city limits. This will be accomplished through policies, conducting inspections to ensure compliance with all related codes, and listening to and addressing the concerns of the community. We strive to provide for the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community through inspections, zoning, and the planning process.


Joseph ScogginsCode Enforcement
Shelly JohnstonPlanning and Zoning 
Aaron SimsCode Enforcement
Alex OwensCode Enforcement
Robert McIntoshCode Enforcement Officer (part-time)
Elias HendersonLead for North Carolina Fellow
Erin YochemExecutive Assistant


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