Department Overview
It is our 24-hour a day, 7-day a week duty to make a difference in the lives of those that we serve and protect.
Forest City Fire Rescue has a class 3 ISO rating
Provide fire, rescue and EMS services to the community
Respond to all alarms within 2 minutes of receipt
Arrive on the scene of all incidents within an average of 5 minutes from the time of alarm
Conduct public education in the area of fire prevention, extinguisher use, home safety inspections and accident prevention
Meet state and national standards for training for both paid and part-time personnel
Assist Burned Children's Fund of North Carolina by collecting aluminum cans and using proceeds to purchase equipment for the NC Jaycee's Burn Center
Provide and install smoke detectors for families in need
Annual blood drives for Red Cross
Primary provider for technical rescue inside the city limits; this includes vehicle extrication, confined space rescue, high angle rescue and hazardous material response
Permanent car seat checking station: Monday - Friday from 8:00AM - 5:00PM. Please call 828.245.2111 for an appointment.