128 N. Powell Street
Roxanne Stiles, CPA
Finance Director
Takijah Petty
The Finance Department's role is to provide budgeting and financial support for the Town of Forest City. Our goals involve providing quality management of the Town of Forest City's financial resources. Annual budgets are prepared for each department and expenditures monitored. Other financial services include collections, accounting, investments, asset accounting, accounts payable and payroll and benefit administration.
We are located in Town Hall at 128 N. Powell Street, Forest City, NC 28043.
Drive-Thru hours are 8:00AM to 5:00PM and Lobby hours are 8:00AM to 4:00PM, Monday through Friday. For questions or information, call 828.245.0148.
Lisa Webber
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable is responsible for processing payments to vendors for goods and services provided to the Town.
Q. How often are checks processed?
A. Once a week. *Schedule may change during Town observed holidays.
Q. When can I expect payment?
A. Invoices are paid according to the terms stated on vendor invoice. If terms are not stated on the invoice, we assume terms of net 30 days.
Q. What is the turnaround time to receive a check?
A. The invoices along with the approval from the department must be received by Accounts Payable by 2:00pm on Monday to receive a check that week. Allow time for the department to review and approve invoices. * Schedule may change during Town observed holidays.
Q. What information is needed to set up a new vendor for payments?
A. Name of vendor, mailing address, Federal ID or Social Security Number, E-verify form, telephone and fax numbers (if available).
All town employees are included in our customer services. The Mayor, Board of Commissioners, City Manager and all town employees are committed to providing excellent services to our citizens and customers.
Forest City Finance Department
The Town of Forest City provides electric, water, sewer and garbage services to the citizens. We also provide water services to many residents outside our corporate limits. It is our pleasure and honor to be able to provide these services to each of our customers.
Town of Forest City property tax is billed and collected by the Rutherford County Tax Collector's Office. Tax bills are mailed during July and August each year and include both the Rutherford County and Town of Forest City taxes. Both taxes are paid to the Rutherford County Tax Collector. The county then sends Forest City taxes to the town. Forest City's current tax rate is $.59 per $100.00 valuation.
Each person who obtains a permit from the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission to sell alcoholic beverages-malt beverages, fortified and unfortified wine must also purchase a local ABC license to engage in that business. To obtain the license, the permit holder must bring in their approved permit from the state and must pay a tax to the local governments in which the business is conducted.
The license tax schedule for cities is:
On-Premises Malt Beverage: $15.00
Off-Premises Malt Beverage: $5.00
On-Premises Unfortified Wine, Fortified Wine or Both: $15.00
Off-Premises Unfortified Wine, Fortified Wine or Both: $10.00
Neither a city nor a county may require a license for the sale of mixed drinks. The license year for local government ABC licenses is May 1st to April 30th.
In addition, a city may levy a tax on a beer or wine wholesaler located in the city. The maximum tax for a beer wholesaler is $37.50; for wine wholesaler, $37.50; for a wholesaler of both beer and wine, $62.50. The wholesaler tax may not be charged to a business located outside the city.
Inquire about privilege licenses at Town Hall or call 828.245.0148.