Council Connection: 2.17.25 Meeting Recap

Council Connection: Recap from Forest City Board of Commissioners Meeting on February 17, 2025

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  1. Daisy Perez-Jimenez, Alexis Dubay, Michael Cope, and Jacob Hamrick were officially sworn in as officers of the Forest City Police Department.
  2. Council voted 3-2 to approve as presented the ordinance amending Chapters 3, 4, 6, 8, and 13 of the Unified Development Ordinance. The intent of the text amendment is to create a new zoning district, the R-4 Multi Family Residential District, for high-density multi-family residential purposes. The new R-4 Multi-Family Residential District will be established as a district in which the principal use of land is for high-density multi-family residential purposes. This district allows the highest residential density in the town in a variety of residential uses in areas where traffic circulation patterns can accommodate such densities. It is also the intent of this district to allow for certain types of non-residential community facilities and services that would not be detrimental to the residential character of the district and to potentially incentivize multi-use development.
  3. Council approved the call for public hearing for the rezone request of the property at 149 W Trade St. Justin Conner and Pam Strickland are requesting to rezone the property from C-2 to C-T due to parking limitations and to extend the C-T/C-1 district beyond the historic main street.
  4. Council approved the call for public hearing on March 17 for text amendment to Chapter 3.3 Permitted Uses Table, 3.4.3. Exceptions, 4.2.1. Accessory Dwellings, 4.2.2. Accessory Structures (Residential) and 10.G Sidewalks.
  5. Council approved the call for public hearing for a text amendment regarding Chapter 5.4 Non-Residential Building Requirements and 8.1.2. Applicability.
  6. Council approved the following budget amendments to the general fund and electric fund for staff equipment and debris removal:
    • Budget amendment to allocate $120,000 in the FY25 budget for the purchase and installation of a generator at the Public Works building that will service the entire facility during an outage.
    • Amendment to the general fund to allocate $75,000 in the FY25 budget for additional debris removal related to TS Helene
    • Amendment to the electric fund to allocate $300,000 in the FY25 budget for the purchase of an electric line truck to replace the 25-year-old truck that can no longer by certified by Altec.
  7. The following vehicles and equipment were declared surplus:
    • 2003 F-150 truck from Pump Maintenance
    • 1973 Tilt Trailer from Street Department
    • 1999 Hudson Trailer from Water Department
    • POPS Christmas walk-through ornament
  8. Council approved the resolution in support of reopening Chimney Rock State Park.
  9. Presentation by IT Director Mickey Munn on key FY26 budget items.
  10. Town Manager Janet Mason provided an update on the cemetery:
    • The Cemetery Committee and staff have recommended the new section of the cemetery be named the "Bright section".
    • The survey of the parcel has been completed and recorded
    • Corner markings are currently being installed.
    • The Cemetery Committee is reviewing the rules and will recommend any revisions and updated plot fees to council prior to the beginning sale of any plots in the new section.
  11. Council entered closed session with no action taken, then reconvened open session.

Next regular meeting: Monday, March 17 @ Cool Springs Administrative Offices