Permit Site Legal Disclaimer




GIS information obtained on this website is developed and acquired from the County of Rutherford who’s disclaimer states that the information provided is done so by the “County of Rutherford who acquires, develops, maintains and uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data in support of its internal business functions and for the public services it provides and is offered to the public without warranty as to its accuracy. The GIS data which Rutherford County [Forest City] distributes and to which it provides access, may not be suitable for other purposes or uses. The user should consult primary information sources available to the public, such as recorded deeds and plats, to verify the accuracy of the data provided. It is the user’s responsibility to verify any information derived from the GIS data before making any decisions or taking any actions based on the information. Rutherford County [Forest City] shall not be held liable for any errors in the GIS data. Source information used for this data may have been collected at different scales, times or definitions, resulting in inconsistencies among features represented together on this map. In no event shall Rutherford County become liable to users of these data, or any other party, for any loss or direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to time, money, or goodwill, arising from the use or modification of the data. GIS data made available on the GIS website do not represent legally certified information or recorded maps or surveys and are not intended to be used as a survey, conveyance, or for any legal purposes whatever. This data has been developed using public funds. It is therefore in the public domain. Users agree that they will not sell this data; neither will they sell or share their access to this data. As a condition of providing access to electronic GIS data, Rutherford County [Forest City] reserves the right to require that the user agree in writing that the data will not be resold or otherwise used for trade or commercial purposes pursuant to the NC Gen Stat 132.10.

It is acknowledged that, by entering this site and utilizing any parcel, address, or plat information provided by the Town of Forest City and/or Rutherford County, you, the user, are accepting and agreeing to this disclaimer, pursuant to North Carolina state Senate Bill 355, the Town of Forest City states that the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data viewed and obtained via this website/portal, does not serve as any type of legal document.