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Street Department
Street Supervisor
Street Department Overview
There are fifteen employees in the Street Department (depending on the time of year). They are responsible for maintaining 268 Town streets, which is over 56.5 miles of pavement. Their responsibilities include: cutting and trimming the roadside right of ways, public areas and two public cemeteries, repairing damaged pavement and sidewalks, maintaining storm drains and installing various traffic-related and street signs. They also have three trucks that run weekly limb and rubbish routes.
(See Limb and Rubbish Policy)
During the Fall and Winter months, they also provide curbside leaf pickup.
Leaf Collection Policy
The Town of Forest City will provide leaf pickup service for its residents from mid-October through mid-March. Specific dates will be announced on Facebook.
In order to provide adequate and equal service for all residents, the town will be divided into four sections. Cherry Mountain Street is the dividing point on the north side of town and S. Church Street is the dividing point n the south side of town.
A regular route will be followed weekly. The leaf truck will cover the northeast on Monday, the southeast on Tuesday, the northwest on Wednesday and the southwest on Thursday. Friday will serve as a make-up day. Leaves must be on the curb no later than 8AM on the morning of scheduled pickup.
When there are calls for leaf pickup before the announced date, it is imperative that the leaves be placed in heavy plastic bags by the resident. This pickup will be under the same conditions as when limbs and rubbish are collected. The reason for this requirement is that it would not be economically feasible for the town to dispatch the leaf truck on a per-call basis.
Due to liability involved for damage to property and safety reasons, the leaf truck and Town staff will not be permitted to enter private drives and/or private property except in case of an undue hardship whereby the occupant must waive liability in writing to town management.